Day 4 - Reverse Procrastination
Procrastination Challenge
Today you will understand the mechanism of procrastination Vs. been proactive. Procrastination is one of the biggest enemies of success and fulfillment. But you will see by yourself in a moment...
You can go back to the previous Days using the top navigation of this page. Access Days 4 special report exercises below...
You got an idea of why stopping the vicious circle of procrastination is essential to your well-being as well as success. Now it is time to find out how to reverse procrastination by becoming proactive with new habits that will change your behavior forever. You will get a new perspective in regard to procrastination and will succeed at completing any task on time or before deadlines following the exercises described in a series of videos and audio. This secret method is worth the whole course by itself because it will transform your goals into predictable victories.
1) Download and read the report on Procrastination below
2) Make a list of only 3 things that you wish to change by September 2021. Please share with me by email or text at 949.294.9893
3) On a scale of 1 to 10, how much is your stress level today? Is it lower or higher than when you first scaled it on Monday? Please let me know.
4) Click the button below to discover a special bonus on how to raise your energetic field with love and compassion.
Tomorrow will talk about what Freedom means to you.
Have a fantastic proactive day! Fabienne