Freedom Lifestyle Blog
I just took a trip and I don’t mean that it was a fun time in Hawaii, it was a trip within my "Ego Mind".
Do you remember the last time you took one? – it’s an incident that triggers an emotion in the depths of your heart and manifests as an extremely strong reaction. It doesn’t feel good at all, both physically and emotionally.
Let’s see how the “Ego Mind” influences your feelings, and decisions and how you can learn to stop, delete and create a new experience using the power of your self-awareness and free will in action following your higher self-guidance.
When it hurts, it is always the ego in action trying to manipulate the mind. The ego is making the emotional movie that runs as the mental background until we believe the negative story often immerging from false assumptions and fear-based.
If we let it invade our mind it will manifest as physical body pain, lack of energy, anxiety, sadness, even depression, anger, confusion or guilt, and low self-esteem.
In this recent personal ego trip, I made a statement to someone close to my heart who interpreted my words in a negative way. I felt misunderstood and unloved.
One of the things that hurts the most is when you do not feel understood, valued, or supported by those you love the most (and this is very commonly a parent, partner, child, or friend).
It can create a serious internal conflict, which brings on feelings of anger, anxiety, or deep-rooted resentment.
What strength or gift do you have that your loved ones do not see or are not able to fully understand?
What they say is just their opinion. You are the one who knows your true self - YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE!
It is more authentic to be true to your own character than trying to fake it to please others. This is how resentment grows, often causing neck, back, and other internal chronic pain issues.
Remember that being authentic also includes listening and being able to recognize truths in what others are saying. Bypassing the discomfort and keeping an open mind from a distant neutral perspective. Always be the spectator of your own life before jumping into emotional reactions.
I know, it is easier to say than to do. But here is how you can succeed at choosing a behavior that is supportive and leads to more harmony, and peace, while still respecting your authenticity.
First, know yourself, accept that you are not perfect, and above all that you only need to try your very best to improve. Love yourself and push your sleeves to go to work. Without action, knowledge is NOTHING!
This works both for self-actualization and business goals manifestations.
One of the reasons most of those who read the "Secret" did not succeed is the lack of a precise plan of action. Your blueprint map must be sustained by faith and trust toward the pure meaningful intent of your desire.
Every aspect of your life has to be congruent, from your relationships with your friends, co-workers, or neighbors, to the way you treat money, power, and health issues.
Everything is interconnected, so when working on being authentic in your love communications, your business will benefit from the synchronicity of success and profit increases.
"As above, so below", is why by changing one thing, you change everything.
Starting somewhere, anywhere is the simple purpose of my visionary work to help you identify your passion and dreams, leading to your life purpose.
When we choose a mate or friend, for example, we usually choose well. The universe knows that we need someone who can actually keep the mirror in front of our eyes, so we don’t lose perspective. In other words, we choose not only based on attraction but on our soul evolution needs. The spiritual dimension of our relationships is what determines the deep meaning of our choices.
Learning to modify negative aspects of our personality are “the lessons” of our incarnation.
Like in my own previous example, your loved ones might never tap you on the back to encourage you, but you just have to get over it. As long as you have respect for yourself and your unique qualities, and as long as respect and tenderness are in the relationship, you will be just fine once able to identify and neutralyse the triggers that are affecting you.
To master self-awareness and take back control of your thoughts and emotions, you can use one of the many techniques that I teach in my Freedom Lifestyles Online Programs and Soul Alchemy Events.
One of my goals is to help you understand and then believe in your gifts, dreams, and life purpose with passion and joy.
Practicing the Healing Soul Alchemy powerful tools reveals the authentic self. It is also helping apprehend the ego from a new viewpoint, by understanding its purpose. That’s right, the ego is trying to protect us from danger. Plus, we cannot eliminate, or destroy it, so we have to learn how to live with it.
Declaring our choices will give us the ability to let our higher-self conduct the orchestra of our life.
Without a tremendous desire and a specific plan of action, manifestation cannot take place.
Because I have faith in the manifestation of all my dreams, I am overjoyed to offer you the same opportunity.
To keep the feeling alive and strong, you too can experience a spiritual attunement that will transform every aspect of your being, raising your frequency and attracting like a magnet infinite possibility of joy, success, and fulfillment.
Are you ready to co-create miracles?
The time is NOW!
And I believe in YOU,
11/8/2022 - Remake of my article from 4/26/2010
Copyright 2025, Fabienne Marneau DBA Destination Harmony
I, Fabienne Marneau, am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.