Freedom Lifestyle Blog
Is It Just Coincidence? Exploring the Mysteries of Synchronicity
Synchronicity is a term often used to describe meaningful coincidences that seem almost too perfect to be random. I was reminded of this when reading the moving story of Bela and Marya Paskin, a couple who were separated during World War II and reunited in New York through a remarkable chain of events. Their story, recounted in Paul Deutschman’s “Great Stories Remembered”, might look like pure chance to some. Yet, I see it as a profound example of synchronicity.
Marcel Sternberger, a methodical man, took his usual train on January 10, 1948, but impulsively decided to visit a sick friend in Brooklyn. After his visit, he boarded a different subway, where, in a crowded car, he found an unexpected seat next to a Hungarian man named Bela Paskin. They struck up a conversation, and Bela shared the heartbreaking story of being separated from his family during World War II, including his wife, whom he believed had died in Auschwitz. As Bela spoke, Marcel felt a sudden connection between Bela’s story and a young woman he had recently met—who, unbelievably, turned out to be Bela’s wife, Marya.
In a moment that defied all odds, Marcel arranged for them to speak on the phone, leading to their emotional reunion after years of loss. Many might call it coincidence, but Marcel and Bela saw it as divine providence—suggesting that perhaps God was riding the Brooklyn subway that day.
The unfolding of Bela and Marya’s story hinged on what seemed like small, unrelated actions—a man’s decision to visit a friend, his observation of a stranger, and his choice to follow an intuitive feeling. Without Marcel’s compassion, their miracle might never have occurred. It was as though God had carefully arranged these details, and all that was needed were open, willing hearts ready to respond to a quiet yet powerful call.
I believe synchronicity is a collaboration between divine guidance and human intuition. When we follow the subtle prompts in our hearts, we allow ourselves to become part of something greater.
To me, intuition is a form of divine communication, a frequency we can tune into when we quiet our minds and listen to our souls. It’s a call to trust the unseen, to act from love and kindness, and to recognize that we are part of a sacred order connecting us all.
Blessings and happy synchronicities,
Copyright 2025, Fabienne Marneau DBA Destination Harmony
I, Fabienne Marneau, am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.