Welcome to Fabienne's Speaking Engagements
Before discussing future speaking engagements - and possibilities please watch below:
Fabienne's pastinterviews, masterclasses, and events >>
Examples of speaking topics >>
Then please schedule a call...
Topic: "Using energy management to clear mindset blocks to grow your business to seven figures and beyond"
Topic: "Harnessing the Energy Around You"
Please find below examples of topics I can talk about for specific struggles or achievement goals for purpose-driven professionals, solopreneurs, or corporate businesses...
1. Insomnia
"Healing the Shadow: Transforming Nightmares into Soulful Insights"
1. Nightmares
"From Stress Dreams to Sweet Dreams: Managing Stress for Better Sleep"
4. Chronic Physical Pain
"Pain-Free Productivity: Solutions for Managing Stress-Related Pain at Work"
5. Anxiety
"Overcoming Anxiety in the Workplace: Building Resilience for Success"
6. Addiction
"Breaking the Cycle: Supporting Recovery and Wellness in the Workplace"
7. Procrastination
"The Procrastination Cure: Unlocking Action and Accountability in Teams"
8. Overthinking or Brain Freeze
"Clear Thinking Under Pressure: Strategies to Stop Overanalyzing and Act"
9. Sadness, Lack of Enthusiasm & Motivation
"Rekindling Drive: How to Inspire and Motivate Teams During Challenging Times"
10. Negative Emotional Triggers
"Managing Emotional Triggers for Better Collaboration and Leadership"
11. Lack of Purpose & Passion
"Ignite Your Purpose: Engaging Employees for Meaningful Success"
12. Overwhelm
"Thriving Under Pressure: Overcoming Overwhelm in Fast-Paced Environments"
13. Lack of Focus, Confusion
"The Focus Factor: How to Eliminate Distractions and Get Results"
14. Building a Culture of Optimism and Growth
"Reviving Hope in the Workplace: Building a Culture of Optimism and Growth"
2. Low Energy
"Boost your Vital Energy and Align with your Soul for Purpose-Driven Success"
2. Insomnia
"Sacred Sleep: How Rest Fuels Your Mission and Creativity"
3. Nightmares
"Healing the Shadow: Transforming Nightmares into Soulful Insights"
4. Chronic Physical Pain
"The Body Speaks: Healing Emotional Roots of Physical Pain"
5. Anxiety
"From Fear to Freedom: Tools to Cultivate Peace and Purpose"
6. Addiction
"Liberating the Soul: Transforming Addictions into Growth and Alignment"
7. Fears & Phobias
"Courageous Heart: Transforming Fear into Your Greatest Ally"
8. PTS (Post-Traumatic Stress)
"The Wounded Healer: Transforming Trauma into Purposeful Living"
9. Grief & Loss
"Healing the Heart: Transforming Grief into Love and Purpose"
10. Procrastination
"Aligned Action: Overcoming Perfectionism to Fulfill Your Mission"
11. Low Self-Esteem
"Owning Your Worth: How Self-Love Fuels Your Mission and Vision"
12. Overthinking or Brain Freeze
"Trusting Intuition: Freeing Your Mind to Flow with Divine Guidance"
13. Sadness, Lack of Enthusiasm & Motivation
"Rising from the Void: Finding Joy and Passion in Your Purpose"
14. Negative Emotional Triggers
"Emotional Mastery: Transforming Triggers into Tools for Growth"
15. Lack of Purpose & Passion
"Soul on Fire: Reclaiming Passion and Purpose in Your Business and Life"
16. Overwhelm
"From Chaos to Clarity: Cultivating Peace and Focus in Your Journey"
17. Lack of Focus, Confusion
"Finding Divine Clarity: Connecting with Your True Vision and Path"
18. Hopelessness
"Restoring Faith: Rising from Despair to Live Your Highest Potential"
19. Guilt, Shame
"Healing the Wounds of Shame: Embracing Self-Compassion and Forgiveness"
To book a call to discuss the possibility of speaking engagements as a guest for your podcast, masterclass, summit, or any other events please schedule a Call from my calendar.
Hi, I’m Fabienne Marneau, and I help uncover what I call 'the ghosts in the closet'—those hidden patterns that drain your energy and hold you back.
As your guide, I combine holistic healing, empowerment, and spiritual transformation to awaken your essential soul, helping you experience inner peace, joy, and true freedom.
I work with purpose-driven solopreneurs who feel overwhelmed, stuck, or burned out, guiding them to the root causes of their emotional hurts, financial plateaus, and mindset blocks.
Together, we’ll clear generational patterns, rewire your brain’s programming, and release stored cellular memories, all through a gentle yet profound healing journey.
I’ve developed a unique Healing Soul Alchemy holistic method that offers safe, fast, and lasting transformation.
This method combines energy healing and intuitive business strategy to help you align with your soul’s purpose and manifest the life and business you’ve always dreamed of.
Healing, in my belief, should never hurt.
Through my approach, you’ll experience emotional healing that empowers you to break free from limiting beliefs and achieve lasting personal growth.
In addition to working with veterans to transform their PTS (we no longer use the term PTSD), I specialize in helping professionals, coaches, and healers who tirelessly give to others.
Emotional self-care is essential for those who are here to serve, and everyone deserves a guide to keep them inspired, rejuvenated, and aligned with their purpose.
My passion—and soul's mission—is to be a Ghostbuster for the heart, mind, and soul, clearing the shadows so you can shine brightly and embrace your soul’s purpose with clarity, confidence, and freedom.
Start your Soul Alchemy Journey and unlock your path to freedom...
I lived under this cloud of anger, hostility, and aggression.
Believe me, I tried
everything to let it go, but I couldn't or wouldn't.
Then you and I sat together and you held my hand and spoke softly to me, and "did that thing you do".
An hour later something inside me had changed so dramatically that it is sort of beyond words.
I now feel like I have sunshine in my heart. It is a natural and easy feeling. Where there was a wall of icy stone over my feelings now there is sweetness and kindness. I am transformed.
People have noticed the change. They feel a different energy coming from me.
You have a special way, a special gift. Thank you from my soul.
Grace Elizabeth
"I was suffering from anxiety and stress that influenced my mental and emotional state in a very negative way. Fabienne gave me a practical solution to help me overcome my negative feelings and deal with my past. I was under a professional therapist's care for a long while and I never felt the relief that I experienced from working with Fabienne's program."
Rob Sankner
Retired US Army Colonel & Artist
"Fabienne had been my mentor for years. I love Fabienne's spiritual approach to healing, and her unique way of coaching. She gave me the confidence to change my personal relationships and start a new carrier.
I also love her Soul Portraits providing support with a new energy of beauty and higher purpose."
Lisa Boisselle
“I was feeling stuck, scared, and concerned. I was attracting drama and felt energetically blocked.
I Immediately felt lighter and more peaceful like something shifted after Fabienne's four powerful healing sessions.
Each session created a deeper sense of connection and peace coming from her natural gifts of intuition, empathy and healing.
Since our sessions, my inner critic voice shifted into a cheerleader comforter.
The next week I closed $4000 worth of business and it is like people see who I am, are connecting to me in a very authentic way."
Kim Kasparian Business Coach
I lived under this cloud of anger, hostility, and aggression.
Believe me, I tried
everything to let it go, but I couldn't or wouldn't.
Then you and I sat together and you held my hand and spoke softly to me, and "did that thing you do".
An hour later something inside me had changed so dramatically that it is sort of beyond words.
I now feel like I have sunshine in my heart. It is a natural and easy feeling. Where there was a wall of icy stone over my feelings now there is sweetness and kindness. I am transformed.
People have noticed the change. They feel a different energy coming from me.
You have a special way, a special gift. Thank you from my soul.
Grace Elizabeth
Having worked on clearing some past issues with both my dad and my sister has liberated me! I am now “unstuck” and lighter, I feel better about myself and reassured in my relationships with both of them.
The resentment towards my dad regarding my relationships and the double standard of being a woman weighed more heavily on me than I wanted to accept or believe.
The feelings of resentment and maybe even jealousy towards my sister made me lashed out at her unjustly.
After clearing those feelings with the help of Fabienne, the resentment towards both is completely gone.
I feel closer and more loving towards them and my bonds with them are stronger than ever.
Monica Rangel
"Fabienne had been my mentor for years. I love her spiritual approach to healing, and her unique way of coaching.
She gave me the confidence to change my personal relationships and start a new career.
I also love her Soul Portraits providing support with a new energy of beauty and higher purpose."
Lisa, Boisselle
Dear Fabienne,
You are truly an amazing alchemist! In the short time that we have been working together, I feel as though a huge load has been lifted off my shoulders, and I have way more energy to pursue positive goals and activities.
Although you make it look easy, your combination of practicality, gentle and non-judgmental approach, and healing ability is amazing. With each session I feel lighter and more energized.
Thank you for creating such an effective and powerful method from all the many skills that you have acquired.
Sue Bergman
Editor, Author, Life Coach - https://suebergmanwriter.carrd.co/
I, Fabienne Marneau, am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Copyright 2025, Fabienne Marneau DBA Destination Harmony