Freedom Lifestyle Blog
Energy expands naturally so it takes more energy to compress it than to let it expand. Since everything is energy including our mind; when our thoughts are negative, we drain our vital energy center using more energy than when our thoughts are optimist, confident, filled with inner peace, love, and faith.
A selfless act of gratitude and compassion lift-up our spirit. Innocent child-like joy also raises our energy.
When you choose to be "realistic", are you viewing reality or are you creating, and attracting what you fear? What thoughts are you nurturing? What your heart desires most or what you are pre-conditioned to believe to be true?
When we predict an unhappy event or a new challenge, are we co-creating that event, or are we tapping into the future in a passive, and neutral way? How much do we really contribute to the manifestation of our visions? Scientists said that observing a phenomenon influences its transformation. Therefore when witnessing or sharing with others, we influence the outcome of the experience.
I personally love and need quiet, silent, time alone to practice what various spiritualities or philosophies call meditation, adoration, contemplation, etc. We will dive into that subject in a future article and video, but for today, I would like to invite you to pause for an instant and wonder: "What matters the most to me, right now? and how can I bring more life and energy to it so I can contribute more efficiently to its manifestation?" Then feel it, see it, and be it.
Since quantum physic says that nothing stays at rest, we know that everything including our thoughts is in constant motion. We create what we are thinking most about, so why not choose what we desire manifesting from a conscious perspective using both our intuition and willpower simultaneously.
If you experience frequent negative thoughts, feeling tired all the time, lack of joy, being easily irritable, you may want to book a Mind Reprogramming Session involving cells memories attunement, belief system, habits and mindset transformation. You can access my Soul Alchemy session or Online Freedom Lifestyle Programs here >>
I am looking for your questions and feedback, and of course I am always here for you.
To your Abundant life with Gratitude & Peace,
Copyright 2025, Fabienne Marneau DBA Destination Harmony
I, Fabienne Marneau, am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.